The difference between me and the BBC

The subject of administration fees came up just a week after I’d spoken to Cosmos Holidays (see my previous post).

I was watching the BBC’s flagship consumer advice programme, Watchdog.

As you can imagine, I was quite a fan – their hints, tips, stories and pressure have held countless people and inspired me.

A case caught my eye due to its similarity to the case I’d had with Cosmos.

A couple had taken out travel insurance for a forthcoming holiday.

The husband, in the time between booking and departure, was diagnosed with cancer and died.

The travel insurance company had refused to pay out.

The Beeb: Auntie always gets her way

This case was similar but all the more upsetting and extreme.

The consumer had lost her husband and the insurance company – the safety net selected for precisely these unthinkable events – refused to do the right thing.

With the BBC’s involvement and the extraordinary circumstances, I was confident that the insurance provider would give in and the consumer would be refunded.

After all, in a less extreme situation I’d achieved the same only recently.

As expected, the BBC was successful.

Consumer champion v consumer crusader

The insurance company paid out in full.

But there was a stunning surprise.

The provider had, like Cosmos had wanted to, charged an administration fee of several hundred pounds.

The BBC had accepted this outcome, with the message that such fees were to be expected: they are ‘standard’.

This appalled me.

And it made me realise that people, even the BBC, accept things from companies that simply aren’t right.

And it made me set up this blog to tell consumers that they don’t need to accept this sort of treatment.

I don’t, and nor should you.

How is it right that a company can keep someone’s money in that situation?

Simply because it’s always been so; that such things have been accepted in the past?

It’s not fair, it’s not right, and it’s not acceptable.

That’s what being a consumer crusader is all about: not merely requesting a refund but demanding the company treat you fairly.

Join the crusade!

So let’s not accept companies treating their consumers like this.

I will post case studies where I explain when I didn’t take the ‘standard’ line, and describe how to fight for your rights.

If you experience a company treating you in a way that you don’t think is fair, let me know!

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